



Art Director: Madison Grube
Creative Director: Keith Manlove
Agency: Invenio

Invenio is a full-service creative agency and production studio producing memorable brands, great design, savvy interactive, and smart advertising campaigns.

As an intern there from 2016-2018, we created a host of promotional materials to increase the agency’s presence in the Austin area and grow the client roster.




As an intern at Invenio, I created swag to promote the the services they offer as a full-service creative ad agency at East Austin Studio Tours (EAST) 2018, which brings in an average of 4,000 in foot-traffic annually. This included black and white bandanas decked out in shattered illustrations and post-modern typography.



Video content

This was storyboarded as a promotional spot for the agency. Though never produced, we had a blast making it.



Email Template

We wanted to create a versatile email template that was crisp, clean, and easy-to-read but also possessed some of the graphic personality of Invenio’s site. Of course, it also had to have to versatility to showcase the various types of content that they intend to share with their audience made up of both clients and creative professionals in the Austin area.
